Tuesday, June 16, 2015

We're going to build together

Last Sunday our congregation voted overwhelmingly to embark on a new building project. Our original home will be demolished, probably at the beginning of 2016, to be replaced with an Education Building and Fellowship Hall.

All last week I prayed that no matter how the decision went, I asked the Lord to use our decision to bring us together, united to carry out our mission to Live and Grow in Christ ~ Encourage and Reach Others. 

I was cheered by some who told me on Sunday that even though they did not support the decision to build, they would supportive and walk along with the rest of the congregation.  For the good of the church, I was most encouraged by these precious saints.

Much planning will need to be done in the coming months.  When the old house is torn down we'll need to utilize our space to the max in order to accommodate regular Sunday ministry activities as well as dealing with classes and other activities that take place during the week. It will be a big undertaking but with the Lord's help we can do it.

Just as we've done so many other things in the past 10 years...with the Lord's help.