Monday, February 11, 2019

A Manual for Maturity

Pastor and author, Reed Lessing, calls the epistle to James "A Manual for Maturity." Written by a brother of Christ Jesus and leader of the church in Jerusalem, James makes a clarion call to us to live as devoted and faithful followers of the Lord. Over the course of five compelling chapters, James encourages and challenges his readers to:

* Trust in the Lord in times of trial and testing
* Hear the Word of God and obey it
* Treat others with grace and love
* Produce fruit in keeping with faith
* Tame the tongue
* Seek the wisdom that comes only from God
* Live in humility before God\
* Patiently wait for the Lord's coming

Have you seen the bumper sticker, "If you were accused of being a Christian,would there be enough evidenced to convict you?" James would pray for a guilty verdict every time. Such would be the sign of the maturity in faith that the Lord's brother wants to see in believers. If you have time this week, read through the epistle of James.  Some verses may help you see where you are falling short of the glory of God.  But remember - James is on your side! His prayer is that you continue to grow in Christian maturity and faith to the glory of God!