Tuesday, February 19, 2019

The media is liberal and biased

Who says? Lara Logan, reporter from famed television program, "60 Minutes."

In an article posted on the "Daily Mail" website today, Logan says: "In this country 85% of journalists are registered Democrats so that's just a fact."

"For example, the coverage on Trump all the time is negative...Well that tells you, that's distortion of the way things go in real life."

Logan makes a reference to the Western Wall in Jerusalem where there is just a small place at the wall for women to pray while the majority of space is for men only.  She goes on to say that her example is descriptive of our media today - conservatives have just a small space while the liberal media holds the greater space.  If her example is correct, the liberal view has the opportunity to have greater influence.

Is it any wonder that President Trump relies so heavily on social media?