Thursday, February 7, 2019

The Great Blondin

Years ago there was a fellow who walked across Niagara Falls on a tightrope. He called himself "The Great Blondin." His was a pretty amazing feat and so people on both sides of the border of the US and Canada would come to watch him perform.

I was told that before Blondin, he would ask the crowd, "Applaud if you think I can complete the walk." The people would wildly applaud. After all, they must have reasoned, he wouldn't try it if he couldn't do it.

Then Blondin would ask, "Applaud if you think I could complete this walk with a person sitting on top of my shoulders." Again, much of the crowd would clap loudly. Perhaps they thought they were going to see something really special. Then, after the applause died down, Blondin would ask, "Which of you would like to climb on my shoulders?" And there was silence from the crowd. No one trusted Blondin enough to risk their life crossing Niagara Falls while riding on his shoulders.

Is there anyone in whom we can really trust with our very lives? My confirmation verse is Proverbs 3:5-6: Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths.

To trust in the Lord is to put all your hope and confidence in Him.  Jesus did not put us on His shoulders in His suffering and death. But he shouldered our sins while He gave up His own life for you and me at the cross. 

To lean on the Lord is to follow Jesus wholeheartedly. His resurrection from the dead signals our redemption - sins paid for, death defeated, the devil defanged. Having saved us from death and destruction, why wouldn't we follow the One who loved us so much He gave His life for us?

As you begin your day, ponder Proverbs 3:5-6.  Post it someplace so that you see the verse throughout your day.  Ask the Lord, when you pray, to strengthen your faith as you lean on Jesus for forgiveness of sins, new purpose for living and the hope of life eternal!