Thursday, February 28, 2019

A stewardship point to ponder

It's a refrain that had been heard in the church ever since there has been a church: all this church is interested in is my money! I don't doubt that there are some churches whose main concern is the almighty dollar. But that hasn't been the case at Life in Christ.  Not too long ago I came across the following statement from the great C.S. Lewis.  Read carefully:

The Christian way is different: harder, and easier. Christ says, "Give me all (of you).  I don't want so much of your time and so much of your money and so much of your work - I want you.  No half-measures are any good.  I don't want to cut off a branch here and a branch there.  I want to have the whole tree..."

The Lord doesn't want your money.  That would be too easy.  You could write a check, make a big donation to the church and be on your way.  No, the Lord wants you.  And it's only right that He would feel that way.

Who suffered the punishment for your sins? Who humbled Himself so that you might be saved and lifted up? Who has removed the shame of your sin and the fear of your death? Who has prepared a place for you in heaven.  You know the answer - Jesus!

Jesus wants your heart and your head, your time and your attention, your worship and your praise.  When He has you in this way, supporting the ministry of the church will never be a problem! And no one will ever be tempted to say, "All this church is interested in is my money!"