Tuesday, February 12, 2019

If you're happy and you know it...

I first heard the song at a youth weekend.  It was really a children's Sunday school song but our teenagers found it fun to sing.  So, I learned to play it on my guitar.  Simple to play and simple to sing.  You've probably heard it.  The refrain goes like this:

Where does this happy feeling come from?
 Where does this happy feeling come from?
This happy feeling comes from Jesus
 Every day He more than pleases 
That's where this happy feeling comes from!

I believe this little song captures well the feeling of the psalmist David: Blessed are those whose transgressions are forgiven, whose sins are covered. (psalm 32:1)

The word, "blessed," has at its heart a buoyant happiness, a soaring excitement which we feel whenever our burdens have been lifted and we are at peace with our world.

Some spend their entire lives seeking such happiness. We expect to find it with our next purchase, success or accomplishment. These things do bring joy - but so often the feeling is fleeting and never lasting.  And then the search begins all over again.

David knew that true happiness comes from knowing that God forgives us of all the thoughts, words and deeds which should separate us from Him. He forgives us for the sake of Jesus, whose shed blood paid for our sins and whose righteousness covers us and makes us acceptable before our heavenly Father. 

Forgiven of our sins! Covered in the righteousness of Christ! That's where this happy feeling comes from!