Monday, February 11, 2019

A Prayer Based on the Second Article

O Eternal Word, You instruct me in the Creed that from conception to resurrection and into eternity, You assumed my flesh. You became everything I am, only without sin. You assumed; You redeemed.

Blessed Christ, God and Redeemer, I confess that You are my Lord. Your blessed Word is rich and full and clear. That Word instructs me that You took on flesh in the Virgin's womb. You lived, suffered, died and rose again for sinners, of which I confess, I am chief.

I thank You, blessed Redeemer, that You have paid the price for me and for the world. I thank You for the Creed and all its glorious biblical truth. I thank You for Dr. Luther's wonderful explanation and that You have redeemed me, not with silver or gold, but with Your holy and precious blood and Your innocent suffering and death.

I confess, gracious Jesus, that I have too often ignored Your Word. I have failed to contemplate the depth of Your compassion, the depth of Your Father's love in sending You to bear my sin and be my Savior. I have failed to meditate on and rejoice on the profound gift of Your incarnation and that You became like me in every way, save sin. I have doubted. I sin. I fail to live joyously as Your servant in righteousness, innocence and blessedness.

Forgive me, divine Redeemer! All this You have done for sinners. I am a sinner. You have done it for me. You are my only hope for time and eternity.  Amen.

Matthew C Harrison, "Why Am I JOY:FULLY Lutheran," pages 72-73