Friday, February 8, 2019

Go ahead! Let it shine!

"Hide it under a bushel? No! I'm gonna let it shine!" In that familiar song for children we sing it loud and clear that we're going to let our love for Jesus shine for all the world to see.  In fact, as it is the nature of light to shine, so it is our nature, as disciples of Jesus, to let His light shine in us - through the words we say and the things we do.

However, we don't "shine for Jesus" to show off or to make people believe we're better than other people.  Our shining faith in Jesus can be a testimony of our love for Jesus and an encouragement to our Christian brothers and sisters. We live each day to give glory to God for His blessings of forgiveness, power for daily living, the hope of heaven through faith in Jesus, "the Light of the World."

To whom can you reflect the light of Jesus today?