Friday, February 1, 2019

Keeping the main thing the main thing

My friend, Lisa, reminded me the other day of the importance of not being distracted by little, nagging stuff that pastors deal with and, instead, focus on what's really important - the sharing of Jesus Christ with people who need a Savior.

I appreciated this portion of a blog post from Kouyanet:
Mission is witnessing to Jesus in the power of the Spirit to the glory of God the Father.
Everything else, all the discussions about strategy and such like are secondary to this simple reality. Mission is about bearing witness to Jesus; telling his story and pointing people to him. Everything else is just details.
Mission must involve some sort of verbal proclamation; you can’t witness to Jesus without telling people about him. This might happen in church, in the classroom, in quiet discussions in a coffee shop, over the airwaves or internet or in print – but words have to be involved. In almost all situations, mission must also involve some sort of actions; these might be planned and organised such as running a clinic in Jesus’ name, or they might be spontaneous, helping a friend in need. Our actions either reinforce or completely undermine our words – by their fruits, you will know them.