Monday, February 4, 2019

Top Ten Things Kids Say During the Children's Message

Those pastors that include a children's message as part of the service have to be on their toes because you can never be sure what you might hear from the kids (often off the topic!).  The list below is not exhaustive.  Every pastor could compile their own list.  This is mine.

10) Why is the answer always Jesus?

9) The other pastor gives us candy.  Do you have candy?


7) My Daddy said the last thing he wanted to do on his birthday is go to church!

6) My Brother eats his boogers.

5) Are we almost done?

4) Wanna come to our house for dinner after church?

3) Pastor, do you know you have hair sticking out of your nose?

2) My Mommy told me not to tell but she's having a baby!

And the number one thing kids say during the children's message...

1) I have to go to the bathroom!