Thursday, September 10, 2015

Getting to work on my book

One of the items on my bucket list: write a book.

The biggest challenge to this idea has been time - because I haven't any.

Ministry is more than a full time job.  And there are people in my life with whom I want to spend time - my dear, sweet wife, my kids and grand kids, a few faithful and supportive friends.  I want to have time to read and watch some sports games on television from time to time.

So where would I find the time to write a book?

One day I came to realize that I had already written a book of sorts.

For close to seven years I wrote a weekly devotional message for a little radio program that aired on Monday mornings here in the Phoenix area.

It was a fun challenge - write something engaging that witnessed the love and salvation of Christ Jesus in four minutes.

I also learned about self publishing a book from my friend, Carol.  She's written a number of books and, with the help of a mid-western publishing company, had them printed for sale or to just give away.

Soon it became clear to me - I can do this!

I've just about finished going through all the devotionals I've written.  This has taken the past few months just to do this task.  I'd grab 15 minutes here or 30 minutes there or spend the morning of my day off reading old radio scripts.

Some were pretty good.  Others were OK.  There were some that caused me to wonder, "What was I thinking when I wrote that?"

I hope to soon start writing.  Carol has connected me with her publishing company.  I've got the information I need to format the book so that it can be easily published.  And I'll need someone who can proof the book and make sure the grammar is correct.

Since I'm still doing this in my spare time, I'm not sure how long this next step is going to take.

Still, it's exciting.  I dreamed the other night that I was walking through a bookstore and there was a display of Max Lucado's new book.  And right next to it was my new book.

Neat! Do you think it could happen?
