Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Our helper

The Luther statue inside the Castle Church, Wittenburg, Germany, 2011

Yesterday's "Faith Alone" devotional offered some insights from Luther on the Holy Spirit.  See if you don't find his words helpful:

The name "helper" shows us how we should think of the Holy Spirit.  A helper is not a lawgiver or someone like Moses, who frightens us with the devil, death and hell.  No, a helper fills a troubled heart with joy towards God.  A helper encourages us to be happy that our sins have been forgiven, death has been conquered, heaven has been opened, and God is smiling upon us.

Whoever understands what it means for the Spirit to be our helper will have already won the battle. That person will find nothing but pure comfort and joy in heaven and on earth.  Because the Father is the one who send this helper, and because Christ is the one who asks Him to do so, this is certainly not done out of anger.  Instead, this flows from a fatherly, heartfelt love.  So Christians should remind themselves of this name and title for the Holy Spirit.  He is the helper, and we are the troubled and timid ones whom He helps.