Saturday, December 13, 2014

It's the pink candle!

Acolyte instructions for the third Sunday in Advent are simple...2 purple candles and the pink candle!

Actually, the color of the candle, I'm told, is rose (but I'm colored blind so all I really know is that there is one candle that is a little lighter than the others so that's the pick one).  While the purple candles symbolize the penitential attitude of the season, the pink candle symbolizes joy.  We receive joy as we prepare the celebrate the Father's gift to us of His Son and we also meditate on the eternal joy we will have when the Son, who has made all believers right with the Father, comes to gather us up and take us to the kingdom of heaven.

Worship at Life in Christ takes place on Saturday at 5 pm and on Sunday at 8 am and 10:45 am.  Classes for all age groups - from pre-school to adults - meets at 9:20 am.  Also, on Sunday evening LICL will present a special Christmas program featuring a cast of 100's of adults and kids (OK, I'm exaggerating but the cast and singers is large!).  It begins at 6 pm and seating is limited so be sure to arrive early.

The Lord bless and be with you this weekend.  Hope to see you at LICL!