Saturday, September 2, 2017

A Place Called Heaven

Dr. Robert Jeffress' new book, "A Place Called Heaven" (Baker Books) deals with very important questions. What is eternity like? Is heaven a real place? When do I exactly go to heaven? Will I know the people there? Will I know how my loved ones are doing back on earth? How will I occupy myself? And what do I make of those who have written books saying that they've already had the chance to visit heaven? Should I believe them?

Jeffress is a fine writer with an engaging style.  He quotes everyone from CS Lewis to Joni Eareckson Tada.  I received a review copy of the book just a couple of days ago and really couldn't put it down.

Depending on your Christian upbringing you might not agree with every conclusion by Jeffress. But "A Place Called Heaven" just might fill you with hope.  Like the apostle Paul, Christians find themselves longing to be with Jesus which is better by far.  Jeffress' book offers the assurance that no matter which trials and struggles we face in this life, the one Jesus is preparing for us cannot be equaled.  And we'll enjoy it for all eternity!