Tuesday, September 5, 2017

The God-Shaped Heart

Using St. John 11:1-11 as a backdrop, Dr. Timothy Jennings' new book, "The God-Shaped Heart," (Baker Books) demonstrates the effective power of love - God's love.

Jennings' is convinced that when people apply the law of God's love in every area of life, transformation can take place.  Jennings' holds that too often we treat and are treated with a strong dosage of law.  The law, as Martin Luther said, "condemns."  Through that condemnation people are left carrying burdens like shame and guilt and seek relief through addiction and flawed relationships and the like.  Jennings, a psychiatrist by trade, believes that there is another way to live and that is to find life through God's heart of love and compassion.

Do Christians need to read this book? Jennings cites statistic after statistic showing that Christians are doing no better than the secular world in such areas as domestic violence, teen pregnancy and abortion, and pornography, just to name a few.  Can these results be changed? Jennings says "yes!" His desire is for his readers to take off the shackles of guilt and fear and be changed by the transforming power of God's love-shaped heart.  If you're discouraged with your Christian life, "The God-Shaped Heart" is a necessary read.