Monday, September 4, 2017

What do YOU do on Labor Day

For years my dear, sweet wife and I have had differing views on Labor Day.

She believes it's a good day to be laboring around the house and yard. I believe Labor Day is for taking a break from laboring and, instead, it's for lounging around the house.

Today, I think Sherri is going to have her way.

So, I'll help her dig up a bush in the back yard...spread five bags of mulch...make sure the gutters are clean.

And there is some indoor fun too!

Signing up for medicare A and B (I'll be 65, ugh, in a couple of weeks).

Responding to some lab results my doctor sent to me last week.

And, maybe, we'll get over to Scottsdale to look at some new eye frames - I think it's time for a new look!

So there you have it.  I hope you've got some fun planned on your Labor Day holiday!